Cappuccino, the constant companion of coffee drinkers all around the world. No one can really resist the crisp sip of espresso, topped off with the creamy comfort of deliciously steamed milk, followed by sinful frothy heaven. It truly is the undisputed champion among many coffee drinks.
Though the credit of the origin of this drink belongs to the land of pasta, pizza, and gelato, there’s no denying Cappuccino, found its way out of Italy to become a staple in cafes everywhere. And while every coffee fanatic’s favorite fantasy is perfect barista brewed coffee, a daily trip down to your local caffeine serving corner store might not always be the best option. Lack of time or money might get in the way of making that dream a reality. We’re here to offer up the next best thing: Three fun ways to make Cappuccino at home without a machine.
Time to tell the truth – We’ve all been equally interested and intimidated when we watch people work coffee machines. It doesn’t help that some of them look like they could turn into a Transformer. Our lack of experience can make these devices seem overwhelming. While all those knobs and buttons bustling away to create your morning cup have tasks to do, they aren’t the only way to treat yourself to a morning cup. After all, to every seemingly complicated problem, there is often a shockingly simple solution. Frankly, there are multiple ways to create a great cappuccino at home even without any cappuccino machine.
If your fingers are tingling to give it a go, walk with us as we explore a few ways you can create a crown worthy cup of Cappuccino at home.
How to Make Cappuccino with a French Press
For almost a century, the French Press has been an ever-present participant in the coffee community. While traditionally used by coffee drinkers who like their beverage black, over the years, the use of the apparatus has been adapted to create a variety of caffeinated preparations. The unique design makes it the ideal option to aid in your creation of a delectable Cappuccino.
What You’re Going to Need
- Coffee – Get your hands on a bag of your absolute favorite coffee beans. It can be Arabica or Robusta or even a blend of the two. Find a flavor you like and bring it up.
- A Grinder (optional) – If you want to get the most out of your coffee, it is wise to grind them right before you brew. Nothing works better than a burr grinder, offering up uniformity, quality, and consistency in the grinds. If you’d rather just use a pre-ground blend, that would work as well.
- A Coffee Mug – Obviously, we’ll need something to drink out of, right?
- Milk – Feel free to pick the milk that suits your tastes and preferences, keeping in mind any ethical and health reasons of course. Whole milk is the option to turn to for the creamiest result. However, coconut and almond milk in the non-dairy section will work well enough if you prefer. Skimmed milk might offer up a slightly different texture on the foam and will work well for the diet-conscious person in you.
- A French Press – Composing of a cylindrical glass pot with a plunger and built-in filter.
- Hot Water in a Kettle – A goose-neck kettle is the advised option. The thin curved spout works well to control the direction and flow rate of the water better than traditional kettles or teapots.
- Spoon – A spoon is used to stir your homemade cappuccino.
Steps to Make Cappuccino with a French Press
- Warm the vessel – Start by making sure your French Press is clean and dry. Place it on your countertop. Pull out the plunger, grab the kettle, pour some hot water in, and swirl it around. The aim is to warm the vessel up before use. Once this is done, simply empty the water down the sink or use it to water your plants, as it will not be used for brewing your cappuccino.
- Grind the beans – If you’ve opted to bring home whole beans, it is now time to grind them. For best results aim for a coarse grind. A general rule if you’re aiming for a strong coffee, try to balance out 2 tbsp of coffee for every 6 oz. of water.
- Measure and place the beans – Now place the coffee grinds into the pot. You can always adjust these quantities as per your preferred taste preference.
- Pour hot water on coffee – Pour a little of the hot water onto the coffee (roughly double the quantity of the coffee). Wait for thirty to ninety seconds, if you want to, give the coffee a little stir. If your coffee is fresh, this is when you will get to witness the coffee bloom. The carbon dioxide trapped during roasting is leaving the grinds. Allowing time for your coffee to bloom ensures there is no acidic tang in your drink.
- Place the lid – Place the lid back on and allow the plunger to rest at the top of the water for three to four minutes. Then grasp the plunger and press down onto the coffee with steady continuous pressure.
- Pour the coffee – Your coffee is now ready. Pour it out in your coffee mug and set it aside.
- Warm the milk – Grab the milk you are going to use and warm it either on a stovetop or in a microwave. It is one of our many ways to steam milk without a frother.
- Pour milk into French Press – Rinse out your French press and pour in the warm milk roughly till the halfway mark.
- Push plunger up and down – Place the lid back on. Now with the lid on, pump the plunger up and down. You will start to see the level of the milk rises. Keep pumping till you can see the desired foam level.
- Pour milk over the coffee – Pour it over into your mug over the espresso and admire your creation and enjoy.
How to Make a Cappuccino Using a Moka Pot
The Moka Pot is one of the most practical apparatuses to be introduced to the coffee industry. Whether you opt to use an electrical or stovetop Moka Pot for this creation, you are guaranteed some high-quality cappuccino.

Things Needed
- Your favorite coffee beans.
- Hot Water in a Kettle – A gooseneck kettle will offer you the most control over the speed of the water. It will also allow you to control the direction as you pour. Here are some best Gooseneck kettles, if you don’t have one!
- Grinder – A burr grinder will work best to offer you the right size and consistency of coffee grinds for your brew.
- A Stove-top Moka Pot with all its components – You can use an electric one too. There’s no fixed rule.
- Milk – Feel free to pick between dairy, non-dairy, whole milk, and fat-free milk options, whatever suits your needs and wants for the day.
- A Frother or a whisk.
- Coffee Mug.
Steps to make a Cappuccino using Moka Pot
- To begin you’re going to need to grind your coffee beans in a grinder if you’ve elected to use whole beans instead of pre-ground. We highly suggest picking a setting that will ensure the coffee grinds mimic the fineness of sand.
- Open up your Moka Pot and fill the bottom segment with water to reach below the valve.
- Place the freshly ground coffee in the stainless steel filter and fit the top of the pot on.
- Set the Moka Pot on the stove and set it on medium heat.
- The boiling water at the bottom of the pot will force steam to force the coffee out the top, a sign of which will be the bubbling sound.
- Once that stops, take the pot off the stove.
- Remember to place the pot over a cold surface, or run cold water over it. If you don’t, you might end up over extracting the coffee resulting in an off-putting taste.
- Pour it out into your favorite coffee cup.
- While the coffee is brewing, place the milk in a pot on the stove and warm it up.
- Take it off the heat once it has warmed up.
- Pour in a portion of the hot milk over your freshly brewed coffee.
- Grab your kitchen frother and work with it on the milk till you start to see the milk expanding. If you cannot get your hands on a frother, an electric or manual whisk will do the work just as well.
- Once you get to that delicious light foamy texture, spoon it onto the top of your drink.
- Sit back and enjoy your creamy cappuccino.
Indian Cappuccino Recipe – AKA The Beaten Coffee
The little brown bean at the heart of a cappuccino has managed to cross a lot of boundaries on its journey towards global domination. The culture of each country has played a role in shaping how the beverage is prepared. India for example has introduced the world to the unique version of Cappuccino nicknamed the beaten coffee. Unlike its predecessors on the list, this variation of cappuccino is created using instant coffee.
What You’re Going to Need to Create an Indian Cappuccino in an Instant
- Instant Coffee – If you haven’t bought it yet, try our best instant coffee collection. While the strength of the coffee is completely based on personal preferences, 2 tsp is a good place to start.
- Milk – A cup of dairy or non-dairy milk.
- Sugar – White or brown sugar the choice is yours.
- Spoon – To Stir
- Water (optional)
- An electric beater (optional) – While this coffee is generally created by hand. But if you are serving a large ground of people, it might involve a bit more muscle strength than expected.
- Coffee mug
Step by Step Instant Cappuccino Recipe
- To begin, grab your favorite coffee cup and place two teaspoons of coffee with the same amount of sugar. The quantities can vary according to personal tastes.
- Mix them together with a spoon.
- Add in a tablespoon of water and stir.
- If you’re creating more than two or three cups of coffee, it is advised to use an electric blender for this purpose.
- Add a little more milk if you find the mix getting too thick. The ideal texture should be light and fluffy. The color of the mix will head towards a light brown.
- Pour the rest of the milk into a pot and warm it over the stove.
- Finally, add the warmed milk into your cup while stirring. Sit back, sip, and enjoy your coffee.
At the End of the Day
Crafting and appreciating a cup of coffee can actually be a very personal experience. For a long time coffee has appeared to us mere mortals as an intricate art that is almost impossible to perfect. We are now learning we stand a chance. There is a path to follow towards the perceived perfection in a cup of homemade cappuccino. You can choose which path to take if you want to be a little adventurous on your journey of making a cappuccino without a machine. You can even throw in a few steps of your own to spice things up and maintain your personal twist!