Subscribe To The Friedcoffee Community

Subscribe to receive Delicious Coffee Recipes Ebook and Offers straight to your mailbox. Your first mail will also guide you to best use our site.

The Coffee People Community!

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It’s our immense pleasure that you have taken a step forward to Subscribe to our Coffee Enthusiasts Community. We promise not to overdose on your mailbox and will send only emails, that are worth reading! You will always have an ‘Unsubscribe‘ button at the bottom of the mail, so use it whenever you want. We won’t be offended by that as everyone has their own rights and priorities.

Why Subscribe

Below are some details about the kind of stuff you will receive on signing up for our coffee tribe:

  • The Start-Up Guide to Coffee: Whether you are new to the world of coffee or an advanced one, you will be presented at first about some of the basics. It will include briefings about things on which people often get confused. After that, we will present you with the most common brewing methods which will help you decide where to begin. Basically, this will be the ‘How to use our Site‘, and it will direct you to the beginner-friendly content on the site.
  • Delicious Coffee Recipes Ebook: You will also receive a link to download a free Ebook containing some of the most delicious coffee drink recipes. You can even print that to keep it handy and in reach.
  • Offers & Deals: Being so close to coffee, we often are contacted by coffee brands for offers that we can exclusively share with our readers. The offers include free giveaways, some coupons, or discounts. So if you subscribe, you will get a hang of this too!
  • Contests: We are in a growing phase and maybe in the future, we might start some contests that test your coffee skills, your brewing styles, and much more. So, it will be a lot of fun and at the same time rewarding too.

All in all, we want to keep our newsletter system clean and helpful to coffee people like you. If you really don’t find it helpful, we suggest simply unsubscribe. Don’t mark it as spam as the newsletter might be helpful to the other coffee people who are just starting their journey!
